HouseBoatRental.Amsterdam is a website where you can book your House Boat. The HouseBoatRental team is a big fan of these amazing location rentals in Amsterdam.
Since 2006
HouseBoatRental.Amsterdam exist since 2006 and is the oldest booking website and the only one that is not asking a percentage of a nightly booking. The price you pay is 100% for the owner of the accommodation.
Big restyle
Because of COVID, In the beginning of this year, we had to decide to renovate the website. Some of the owners had to say goodbye to their house because this difficult period lead them into a financial crisis. Now our connection and bonding with the owners of the House Boats is stronger than ever. The world is reopening and Amsterdam is open to tourists. We are welcoming you back to visit our nations capital, Amsterdam.
Let get the most out of life! Make your booking today.
See you soon in Amsterdam.
– HouseBoat Rental Team
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